at posts/single.html


wget Debian-3.0r2.ext3-mit-backports.1gb.bz2 bunzip2 Debian-3.0r2.ext3-mit-backports.1gb.bz2 mv ... root.img

SWAP 領域作成 (on Cygwin) dd if=/dev/zero of=swap_device bs=1M count=128

SWAP 領域作成 (on Windows XP) fsutil file createnew swap_128MB 134217728

サービス立ち上げ コンソール接続 ログイン root/root

== ネットワーク設定

editor /etc/network/interfaces editor /etc/resolv.conf ifdown eth0 ifup eth0


  1. mkswap /dev/cobd1
  2. swapon /dev/cobd1
  3. editor /etc/fstab

/dev/cobd1 swap swap defaults 0 0

HOME パーティション作成 (on Windows XP) fsutil file createnew fc1_ext3_home 1073741824


   <block_device index="2" path="\DosDevices\c:\Program Files\coLinux\fc1_ext3_home" enabled="true" />
  1. mke2fs -j /dev/cobd2
  2. mount /dev/cobd2 /home
  3. editor /etc/fstab

/dev/cobd2 /home ext3 defaults 1 1

== apt-get の設定

export http_proxy= export ftp_proxy=

== sshd & screen

apt-get install ssh apt-get install screen

== ユーザ作成

  1. useradd -m machu
  2. passwd machu

== sarge へのアップグレード

  1. apt-get install netselect
  2. apt-get install wget
  3. netselect-apt testing

netselect はうまく動作しなかったので、 source.list を直接記述。

deb testing main contrib non-free deb testing main contrib non-free deb testing main contrib non-free

deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free

deb testing-jp main contrib

apt-get update (emerge --sync) apt-get -u dist-upgrade

== 各種ユーティリティ


apt-get install gcc apt-get install make

gcc でエラー。ライブラリが入っていない。

--- $ gcc test.c /usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory collect2: ld returned 1 exit status ---

$ apt-cache search libc6-dev [~/gonzui] libc5-altdbg - The Linux C library version 5 (alternative debug files). libc5-altdev - The Linux C library version 5 (alternative dev files). libc6-dev - GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files libdl1-altdev - The Linux dynamic linker library (libc5 altdev files).

$ sudo apt-get install libc6-dev

=== gouzui

./configure /usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory

-> libc6-dev を入れる。

./configure ruby: no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError)

-> ruby1.8-dev を入れる。

=== vim

  1. apt-get install vim
  2. apt-get install vim-ruby

=== host (nslookup の代替)

  1. apt-get install host

=== sudo

  1. apt-get install sudo
  1. visudo


  1. Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands

%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL ---

  1. groupadd wheel
  2. groupmod -G wheel machu

=== nkf

  1. apt-get install nkf

=== ruby

  1. apt-get install ruby

== Berckley DB

  1. apt-get install libdb4.3
  2. apt-get install libdb4.2-ruby1.8

=== apache2

  1. apt-get install apache2

=== mysql

=== php

== apt-get の使い方

apt-get install zsh | emerge zsh apt-get -s install zsh | emerge -p zsh apt-get -us dist-upgrade apt-cache search mysql dpkg -l (rpm -qa) gpkg -L (rpm -ql)

== 参考リンク